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Accountability & Execution Plan

Implimenting training requires more than just showing up, As a client there are a few things to consider prior to and during the actual event. 

Throughout technical coaching sessions we will be providing recommendations, but what good are recommendations if we don’t prioritize or execute? Before we proceed with alternate sessions, we will identify mission-critical tasks, assign ownership, and create potential due dates for the tasks so that they are complete. As we build this out, more ideas, tasks, related coaching, etc. may come up. We have a system to make sure that these ideas are documented and noted so that we can stay on task and work towards future related sessions.


Also note that while we are working through these sessions, it is imperative that we get feedback from your team in a timely fashion so that we can keep things moving forward.

Fists in Solidarity
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Time Rquirements

To complete the potential work outlined in this document, we will look at each available course as an individual. In the event a facility chooses to host multiple courses, we would look at each facility independently. This does not limit the allowable entrants to one facility, an MSO may choose to pull from other locations, or owners may partner up with other facilities to help cover costs.  On average each course requires up to approximately 4-6 hours with allotted time for any unforeseen issues. Once you have reviewed this opportunity, we can connect to set up dates and times that can be tailored to each specific request. Due to workload, volume and availability, evenings and Saturdays are also open to scheduling.

Contact us for more details as each course or group may vary

© 2020 Canadian Collision Specialist.

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